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Remove a Virus From your Flash Drive

Warm attention:The professional China USB flash drive manufacturer lenrich technology co., limited with headquarter in Hongkong andChina USB flash disk factory

   A computer virus is a harmful program which may have any of a number of ill effects on your computer. Viruses can delete vital information on the computer, cause unexpected errors, make your computer vulnerable to attack, slow down your system, cause random popups to appear, disable items. They can spread from computer to computer in many ways, including through USB (Universal Serial Bus) storage devices, such as external hard drives or  flash drives. Removing a virus from a computer or USB flash device can be tough, but it isn't impossible. Here's how you can remove a virus from a flash drive.
   Run a virus scan on the flash drive. Running a virus scan can determine whether or not there really is a virus on the USB flash device. If you find one, delete it from the USB flash device. This should prevent you from having to follow the next steps and would save you a lot of trouble.
   Back up files you would like to save on the USB flash device. Don't copy whole directories! There are hidden files in each, the virus could potentially be one of these hidden files. Copy files manually, one by one. Don't save executable files or zip folders, if you need the information in a zip folder, cautiously extract the information and save what you need to.

   Then format the flash drive. Click START + RUN and type cmd, press ENTER. In the command dialogue that pops up, type "format (the USB flash drive letter):". Make sure you get the drive letter for the USB flash drive correct. Here the ways to determine the right USB jump drive letter, open MY COMPUTER and look at the USB flash drive. It should say something along the lines of "USB JUMP DRIVE (E:)". In this case, E is the USB jump drive letter. It may be different on your computer, depending on how many drives you have mounted. (Via wikihow)

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